© Bianca Gabriel

QueerBodyHealingSpace – ‚Ritual Play‘ led by Ayo

25. Feb.. @ 19:30 – 22:00 – Monthly on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm – 10pm we invite you to the the Queer Body Healing Space events. In this space we would like to come together in a bodydiverse, Sex- and bodypositive space to share, learn, celebrate our Bodies/ourselves and be together. The topic of the 11th of February will be: „Celebrating Sensation […]

SOLD OUT – Einführungskurs Sexological Bodywork

28. Feb.. – 1. März. @ Ganztägig – Findest du auch, dass du und dein Umfeld noch viel mehr Lust, Genuss und Freude verdient hättet? Betrachtest du dich selbst als erotischen Forscher, der Sexualität als fortdauernde Lern- und Entwicklungschance ansieht? Möchtest du andere dabei begleiten, wie sie sich in und durch ihre Sexualität weiterentwickeln? Sexological Bodywork ist ein neuer körperbasierter Ansatz mit dem […]

QueerBodyHealingSpace – „Make a wish“ by Len

3. März. @ 19:30 – 22:00 – Monthly on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm – 10pm we invite you to the the Queer Body Healing Space events. In this space we would like to come together in a bodydiverse, Sex- and bodypositive space to share, learn, celebrate our Bodies/ourselves and be together. The evenings are hosted by Nino Mar Seliz with Mini-Workshops by […]

Start der Onlinephase der Jahresausbildung Sexological Bodywork in deutscher Unterrichtssprache

16. März. @ Ganztägig – Ausbildung Sexological Bodywork 15 Tage Vorort Training ( = 2 Module à 7 bzw. 8 Tage in Berlin + Pritzwalk/Brandenburg) 4 Monate Heimstudium, Online – Gruppenstudium ( Zeitaufwand ca. 15-18h/ Woche) Praktikum zum Diplom: 25 Punkte für Sitzungen und Kurse Zeiten 1. Online-Phase: 16. März – 26. April 1. Vor-Ort-Modul: 27. April – 3. Mai […]

QueerBodyExplorationSpace -ONLINEevents-

25. März. @ 19:00 – 21:00 – Monthly on Wednesday evenings from 7.pm – 9pm I invite you to the Queer Body Exploration Space -ONLINE events. In this space we would like to come together in a bodydiverse, Sex- and bodypositive space to share, learn, celebrate our Bodies/ourselves and be together. The evenings are hosted by Nino Mar Seliz with Mini-Workshops by […]

QueerBodyHealingSpace – „Meditative Touch“ by Nino Mar Seliz

31. März. @ 19:30 – 22:00 – Monthly on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm – 10pm we invite you to the the Queer Body Healing Space events. In this space we would like to come together in a bodydiverse, Sex- and bodypositive space to share, learn, celebrate our Bodies/ourselves and be together. The evenings are hosted by Nino Mar Seliz with Mini-Workshops by […]


14. Apr.. @ 19:30 – 22:00 – Monthly on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm – 10pm we invite you to the the Queer Body Healing Space events. In this space we would like to come together in a bodydiverse, Sex- and bodypositive space to share, learn, celebrate our Bodies/ourselves and be together. The evenings are hosted by Nino Mar Seliz with Mini-Workshops by […]

Monatliche Beherzte Forschungsgruppe am Abend für vorsichtige Frauen

16. Apr.. @ 18:30 – 21:30 – Im Rahmen des offenen Workshopzyklus „Sexuelle Heilung: Weib sein – Leib sein“ mit Dipl. Psych. Annette Bertschi Über die Forschungsgruppe und den Zyklus: Dieses Angebot ist für dich gedacht, wenn du im Umgang mit deinem Körper, deinem Frausein und deiner Sexualität nicht ganz so leicht und unbefangen bist, wie du es vielleicht gerne wärst, aber […]


12. Mai. @ 19:30 – 22:00 – Monthly on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm – 10pm we invite you to the the Queer Body Healing Space events. In this space we would like to come together in a bodydiverse, Sex- and bodypositive space to share, learn, celebrate our Bodies/ourselves and be together. The evenings are hosted by Nino Mar Seliz with Mini-Workshops by […]

Embodied Counselling Certificate with Deej Juventin in Berlin

15. Mai. @ 8:30 – 18:30 – I am very happy to announce that Deej Juventin, one of my favorite somatic and embodied teacher and educator, will come to Berlin in Summer 2020 to share his special and well-developed Embodied Counselling Training with us. This is what Deej is sharing with us I am delighted to be returning to Berlin to teach […]