25. März. 2020
Monthly on Wednesday evenings from 7.pm – 9pm I invite you to the Queer Body Exploration Space -ONLINE events. In this space we would like to come together in a bodydiverse, Sex- and bodypositive space to share, learn, celebrate our Bodies/ourselves and be together. The evenings are hosted by Nino Mar Seliz with Mini-Workshops by different facilitators to different topics for example „meditative touch“, „show and tell“, „consent“ etc..
::Queer Body Exploration Space::
*Sprache: deutsche Lautsprache/english if announced
*Kosten: auf Selbsteinschätzungsbasis zwischen 15-25 Euro
*Zeit: 19-21Uhr
*Address: online
The context is: sexological bodywork, healing space, communitywork, somatics, systemic approach, empowerment, queer in all its spectrum*
Registration: info@verkoerperungsatelier.com
Looking forward to see you! & spread the word 💜